Every Vietnamese food lover in the United States has wondered where to find pho near them so as not to miss the chance to taste this delicious noodle soup, perfectly valued in the Asian country for its exquisite flavor and nutritious properties.
But what does pho mean? Basically, it is a dish served in a small bowl filled with rice noodles, accompanied by a bit of beef broth. Variants of this food can include elongated pieces of meat; chicken thigh, heart or livers; and offal.
Following the growth of the Vietnamese community on North American soil, the proliferation of restaurants serving the world’s best pho has become more than evident. There are a lot of establishments where you can taste this nutritious noodle soup and here we will tell you which ones are the closest.
Best Pho near me in New York
Vietnamese cuisine is featured on the streets of New York. Find in the Big Apple the best restaurants to taste dreamy pho. Most of them have affordable prices and specialized services.
The establishments have delivery service, but if you want to enjoy their spaces, you can order food to eat instantly. Most are open 24 hours a day to please the palate of its diners at any time.
[wpdatatable id=193] .Find Pho restaurants near you in Los Angeles
If you are in the city of Los Angeles and want to taste an appetizing Vietnamese noodle soup, you can go to the nearest pho restaurants. The establishments have harmonious spaces, quality service, and professional attention. The best thing is that most of them are available 24 hours a day.
You can order food to take away, to be consumed on-site, or to be delivered at home. Diners who have had the opportunity to attend the establishments highlight the quality of the food and the desirable prices. Here are some nearby pho restaurants you can go to in Los Angeles.
[wpdatatable id=194]Pho near me in Houston
We are going to introduce you to the best Pho restaurants near you in Houston, one of the cities where there is the largest number of such establishments. Here we will tell you which ones they are and how to contact them.
[wpdatatable id=195]Find Pho restaurants near me
Need help finding Pho near you? Check out the following search tools and you’ll find the best Vietnamese restaurants in the city you’re in right now.
1. Yelp
Yelp has become a good option for those who want to find a specific place. The platform is free to use. You just have to enter the website, type the name of the place you want to find (in this case restaurants specializing in the preparation of pho), and the city where you are. Now, click on the “Search” button represented by a magnifying glass icon. The system will filter information and return the nearest Vietnamese typical food establishments as a result.
2. DoorDash
Another quick and safe option for finding Pho near you is DoorDash. It is a free downloadable application that will allow you to locate any food place. You have to log in to your profile with a previously generated username and password. But you can also log in with the help of your Google, Facebook, or Apple account. This application will also help you filter information, showing only the places that may interest you the most.
3. Google Maps
Through Google Maps you can find the place you want. Access the application without any inconvenience, and type in the search engine the place you want to visit and the region of the United States where you are. A clear example would be: “Pho Near Me Houston, Texas”. Then you press the “Seach” button represented with a magnifying glass and the system will inform you about the nearest restaurants. You will have access to the exact address, phone number, customer service hours, and ratings from other customers.
4. Tripadvisor
Another good option to find Vietnamese food establishments is Tripadvisor. It has a simple interface so that anyone can use it. Type “Pho near me + city” in the search engine, and the system will show you the closest and best-rated alternatives in a specific region. The website will give you the exact address, phone number, hours of operation, customer reviews, and ratings.
Best pho restaurants in the United States
If you like traditional Vietnamese food and want to taste succulent pho, here we will tell you which are the best options and how to contact them.
1. Superior Pho
📍 Address: 3030 Superior Avenue E Cleveland, Ohio 44114
✆ Phone Number: (216) 781-7462
🌐 Website: https://www.superiorpho.com/
The Pho of this restaurant located in Cleveland, Ohio, is one of the best, according to Asian food specialists. The restaurant was created by Manh Nguyen, who has adapted old family recipes to the American style. Since it opened its doors in 2022, Superior Pho has become a great reference for Vietnamese cuisine.
2. Pho Saigon
📍 Address: 2808 Milam St, Suite D Houston, TX 77006.
✆ Phone Number: (713) 329-9242
🌐 Website: https://www.phosaigonnoodlehouse.com/
Houston has become the epicenter of Vietnamese food. For the same reason, it is not surprising that this restaurant is among the best in the Texan capital. It is one of the most modern establishments nowadays, but it also stands out for its good seasoning. In 2012, Pho Saigon was honored at the 22nd Annual Awards Gala.
3. Ha Noi House
📍 Address: 119 Saint Marks Place, New York, NY 10009
✆ Phone Number: (212) 995-5010
🌐 Website: https://www.hanoihousenyc.com/
Ha Noi House is the place where Vietnamese living in New York can taste a typical dish from their homeland. Of course, they serve the best Pho we have tasted in a long time. The best thing is that this restaurant has reasonable prices. The establishment offers an excellent space and an enviable service. They will simply make you feel at home.
4. Pho 95
📍 Address: 1401 S. Federal Blvd Denver, Colorado, 80219
✆ Phone Number: (303) 936-3322
🌐 Website: https://pho95noodlehouse.com/
If you find yourself visiting Denver and want to try a true Vietnamese delicacy, visit Pho 95. It has been considered one of the best Asian restaurants in the United States, which you can see from the list of reviews posted on Yelp and Tripadvisor. The food is supremely delicious, but the excellent service and good prices also stand out.
Why is pho so special?
Pho is considered one of the most succulent dishes in Vietnamese cuisine. Its popularity has spread to many countries around the world, including the United States.
But why is pho so special? Cooking professionals claim that the combination of hot broth and bright, fresh toppings make pho a unique and incomparable dish. You can also add julienned carrots and bean sprouts to the preparation.
Other ingredients such as mint, basil, and cilantro guarantee that touch of freshness that has attracted so much attention from the Vietnamese. And to add a touch of particularity, spicy chili and sliced onions (white or purple) are added.
How healthy is pho?
Pho is not only delicious. It is also a completely healthy dish. Its ingredients provide a lot of nutrients that your body will know how to take advantage of. Remember that it is a broth that includes vegetables and meats, which makes it a vitamin cocktail.
Eating pho guarantees your body nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B, selenium, zinc, fiber, iron, protein, potassium, carbohydrates, and antioxidants.
What is the most popular pho?
There are many variations today. But pho ga (chicken) and pho bo (beef) are still the most popular dishes. Both versions guarantee a good taste to the palate, as well as vitamins and proteins that are essential to nourish the body.
If you make a pho bo or beef broth, the meat should be undercooked. The reason is that it finishes cooking in the steaming broth of the soup.