Is it true that Harvard is the most difficult university to get accepted into? It is one of the most prestigious and selective colleges in the world, so it is extremely competitive when it comes to getting a seat in the year’s class.
So it is no surprise that its acceptance rate is very low. Each year, Harvard receives a large pool of highly qualified applicants, and the university takes into account various factors when making admission decisions.
Every year, people struggle to get excellent grades to get a chance of getting into Harvard, but grades are not the only requirement that determines your acceptance or denial in the institution.
The truth about getting into Harvard
If you have decided that you want to study at this institution, then you must know that it will not be an easy task. There are numerous factors that you need to accomplish to earn the chance to study in this college, for example:
- Academic achievements
- Standardized test scores (such as SAT or ACT)
- Extracurricular activities
- Personal statements
- Letters of recommendation
- Interviews
For instance, Vibha Kagzi is a Harvard graduate and an education consultant sharing her experience on how she got into Business School. Going for the extracurricular activities route helped her strongly when she applied for it.

Of course, It is important to have a strong academic background, outstanding test scores, and a compelling overall application to be considered as a competitive candidate for admission. But even if you meet the minimum requirements, it does not guarantee admission, as the application review process is strict.
On the other hand, there is another alternative to getting admitted, and it might be controversial. You see, universities are not only a place for education, but also business entities, so their other focus point is to make money.
And what does this have to do with getting admitted? Kelsey Hoskin, a college content creator known as “Harvard Honey” speaks about how Harvard specifically chooses applications with a business mindset and how you can take advantage of it.
@harvardhoneyyy CONTROVERSY WARNING you’re gonna want to stay til the end of this one💋👩🏼🎓#harvarduniversity #collegeadmissionscandal #ivyleagueguide #greenscreen
Harvard may reach out to alumni through campaigns, events, newsletters, and personal appeals to encourage them to contribute. They often recognize and honor their alumni donors through naming opportunities, special events, donor societies, or other forms of acknowledgment.
But it is important to note that alumni donations are voluntary and not all alumni are able or choose to contribute. Giving patterns and amounts can vary greatly depending on factors such as alumni’s financial capacity, personal connection to the institution, their belief in the value of philanthropy, and others.
Even in the roughest times, do not lose hope
Do not feel scared when applying for a spot at Harvard; always expect the unexpected and hope that you will be elected. If you have followed the requirements and also put extra effort into your application, your chances will increase greatly.
Let’s look at Jason, who was ready to open the first of the Ivy League college responses which was Harvard. He was with his family waiting for the page to load, and knowing how difficult it was to enter, he was not expecting to be chosen.
But his reaction says the contrary, he got admitted to the university and is now pursuing education as part of the 2027 class. You can see the full reaction below.
@j.asonjaden My wildest dream came true on March 30, 2023. Si se pudo!!! #collegeacceptance #ivyleague #ivyday2023 #harvard2027 #harvard #sisepudo
It is important to remember that rejection is just a part of the admissions process and does not define your potential for success. Many exceptional candidates may receive rejection letters, not because they lack talent or merit, but simply due to the sheer volume of qualified applicants.
Success is not determined by where you attend college, but rather by your perseverance, passion, and dedication.