Many people in the United States are looking for a good student loan institution to help them pay for their education without hardship. Although there are many options, one of the favorites is Custom Choice, a private entity with a simple procedure.
You need to know more about the conditions and requirements that a place like Custom Choice demands grant you a loan to pay for your studies. Also, what it offers, how the payments are made, or the steps you will have to take throughout the procedure.
Is it necessary to go to an office to get the Custom Choice loan? Can it be done through the computer or a Custom Choice phone number? We will tell you everything, so you should keep reading to find all the information you need to solve your financial problem.
Why are Custom Choice student loans recommended?
One of the peculiarities of Custom Choice student loans is that they are quite personalized and, above all, very flexible. They allow you to choose the payment method, the monthly payments that suit you best, and the amount you want to pay to finish sooner or later.
One of the great advantages of Custom Choice student loans is that they can all be done online. You fill out a form and answer certain questions about your needs:
- You must demonstrate that you are enrolled in one of the schools in partnership with the Custom Choice company. Otherwise, you will not be eligible to get money through them for your studies.
- You do not need a cosigner to get a Custom Choice student loan. This shows their flexibility concerning their terms, although it would certainly make it easier to get a loan quickly if you do have one.
- In the online application, you must provide all the personal information they need to grant you the loan: your name, age, the career you are studying, the amount of money you need to complete your studies, and also if you are a US citizen or have a green card.
- Contacting Custom Choice by phone to discuss student loans is possible. If you don’t understand something, you may want to ask before you apply.
- It has other great advantages such as no late fees and a 2% rebate if you graduate.
After you have applied online, and now that you know how flexible the application process is, they will have to check your finances to make a decision.
This type of check comes with the great advantage that it is not hard and does not have to do with knowing your credit score. They need to see if you have some fixed month-to-month income to be able to pay them back. It is also important for them to know that you match the amount of money you have calculated for each month to the years it will take you to earn your degree.
If you’ve had experience shopping for student loans before, you are probably aware of the great flexibility and advantages of borrowing from Custom Choice.
But it’s not all positive, and you should also be aware of the requirements asked for and the disadvantages there may be in relying on this entity to get the money for your studies.
Requirements and some disadvantages
If we have to talk about the disadvantages that Custom Choice student loans have, then we have to bear in mind that you cannot receive a loan if you don’t study at a school associated with them.
You should know before you start the procedure of requesting a loan that if you study in any other school that does not have to do with them, you will not be approved. In addition, they do not work in Arizona, Wisconsin or Iowa.
On the other hand, you must know the conditions and requirements needed to make the request. If you make a mistake, you may have to start from the beginning.
We hope we have helped you learn everything you need to know about Custom Choice loans. If you have any further questions, you can contact them through their phone number and find out how to start the process.