Suppose you want a new credit card but don’t know how to trick a credit card application because your credit report has some dents on it. You should know there are ways to increase your chances of approval and, at the same time, improve your credit history.
You probably already know the basic tips for getting your application approved. Among them are choosing a consumer card within your credit range, paying your bills on time, and checking your credit score. However, other methods will tip the scales in your favor.
To ease the worry of having bad credit when applying for a credit card and thinking about how to qualify for new cards and improve current credit. There is a simple strategy that can help in the cases presented. It is known as the soft trick or the shopping cart trick.
What is the shopping cart trick?
If you want to be approved for a credit card, the shopping cart trick can give you an advantage. It is used as a method for a retailer’s website to provide you with a pre-approved credit card offer during the checkout process.
Not all retailers open this “back door” type to obtain a new credit card. However, many do. So this is your chance to make it happen, even if you have an unfavorable credit history.
The good news is that these are not random stores but those where you normally shop. That means you’ll also take advantage of the bonus of coupons, offers, and promotional discounts, allowing you to save money.
Comenity Bank, Wells Fargo, and Synchrony Bank store credit cards claim a credit inquiry. But you can also use this trick on them to find out if you are pre-approved. This is a way to know your odds, so you don’t make an unnecessarily difficult inquiry.
How cheating on a credit card application works
The soft cheat has the answer if you want to know how to trick a credit card application. It is of great help to people who have bad credit. However, it would be best if you were mindful that it works whenever you want to use it.
Some people have had better luck with some credit cards than others. So, it may take several tries to get the most favorable offer to appear while you are online. If it doesn’t work the first time, try using your best judgment as often as you think.
Don’t opt out of receiving card offers
First, you should ensure that you have not selected the option to opt out of receiving pre-selected offers from credit card companies. With the opt-out service, you stop receiving pre-approved credit card offers by phone and mail.
Unwanted mailings of prescreened offers can be annoying. But if you plan to use this trick, receiving the proposals is an essential part of the shopping cart trick. If you didn’t manually opt out, you’ve already taken the first step to getting your card.
You also have the option to cancel the offers once your card or credit cards have been approved. If you have already opted out, you can opt-out again by going to the website or by phoning.
Disable pop-up blockers
Another point to use the soft trick is to disable any pop-ups or ad blockers on your computer. The scam is based on entering retail websites that send pre-approved card offers while you are trying to shop online.
With the blocker enabled, you will not receive an in-store credit card offer at the appropriate stage, even if you qualify. If you have the blocker enabled, disable it. You can block again once you have used the shopping cart trick.
Subscribe to the store’s loyalty program
Joining the store’s loyalty program will help increase your chances of getting a pre-approval pop-up offer. This subscription is optional.
Clear your browser history
Before entering the store’s website of your choice, clear your browser history, including cache and cookies. It is easy to do this, find the browser settings, select History, and click Clear Browsing Data.
Select the options that appear: browsing history, download history, images, cached files and cookies, and other data. You also have the opportunity to use the Chrome browser, including an incognito window.
Having a clean or incognito browser means you don’t have to worry about browsing history interrupting the shopping cart trick.
Credit Card Application
Select the retailer where you want a credit card. On the website, you can create an account you don’t have or log in and follow the steps as a guest.
Choose a few items and add them to the shopping cart; it can be as many as you want; no worries because you will not buy them. Do not select large items; they should preferably be small, up to $100 in the purchase. Then go to the checkout page.
Complete your information on the checkout and billing page, but do not click Submit or Buy. The idea is to wait for a credit card offer to appear while you complete the information.
Improve the opportunity by making the process slow and not using autocomplete text. If the pop-up offer does not appear, try changing the items in the shopping cart until you achieve the goal. Be patient because it will be worth the effort.
How the shopping cart trick helps with credit
With the soft trick, there will be one less credit inquiry on the credit report. When a new account is registered, the new credit limit will increase your purchasing power, reducing your credit utilization.
Your credit utilization is the ratio that compares your borrowed amount to your total credit limits. Your credit score increases as your credit utilization decreases.
Over time, a credit card with a positive history will improve your score. This favors the bad credit history you have had in the past. It is always recommended to pay bills on time to improve your score.