If you wish to pursue medical school in Tennessee, you must be aware of the medical schools where you can obtain training. In addition, there are many relevant characteristics that you should appreciate that differentiate medical education in this state from other options.
We are going to know some of the best medical schools in Tennessee. Also, we will learn more about the characteristics of medical education in this state. For those considering this type of training, there are quite a few keys to consider since it is a very particular destination from the student’s point of view.
Features you should take into account about Tennessee as a place to learn medicine
In addition to local students, Tennessee has quite an interesting influx of students from other states to train in medicine and medical specialties. There are different reasons for this.
Some things that stand out to students here have to do primarily with the wide variety of clinical presentations and a large, diverse population. But, also, with the Tennessee government’s own efforts to focus its higher educational institutions on the local communities themselves.
That makes medical education in Tennessee very closely related to community service. Therefore, for many people who wish to study medicine focused on community service, it is an interesting destination that unites pedagogical tools with practical applications.
Let’s review below some of the top medical schools in Tennessee and their characteristics and requirements.
East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine
It is a medical school founded in the 70s of the last century. It has a fairly clear orientation towards primary care medicine. It is also considered one of the main teaching centers for future physicians in rural communities and underserved environments.
A very noteworthy aspect of this university is that it maintains a very strong commitment to biomedical research and medical care in the northwestern part of the state. It has a fairly high demand, with over 2500 applications for the 50 slots in the MD program.
The admission averages are:
- MCAT: 509
- GPA: 3.79
Meharry Medical College – Phoenix
It is a century-old school. Created in 1876, it is not only one of the oldest medical schools in the United States but also one of the oldest specialized schools in the world.
Its flagship is that it was the first medical school in the southern United States for African-Americans. It has a strong commitment to social welfare and the empowerment of disadvantaged groups in society.
It can be considered one of the great classics of medical education in Tennessee.
University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine
This faculty is one of the most sought-after in EEUU. More than 2,200 applications are received to apply for one of the 160 MD places every year.
It is a school that maintains a strong commitment to research and medical advances, both from a pedagogical point of view to improve the training of its students as well as apply in a practical way to health services. One of the medical schools attracts the most interest from out-of-state students.
Among its average admission statistics, we highlight:
- MCAT: 510
- GPA: 3.72
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine-Phoenix
The Vanderbilt University School of Medicine is undoubtedly one of the benchmarks for medical education in Tennessee. It is another century-old school, founded in 1874 and with a long tradition of medical education.
To get an idea of the interest of this university among students, we can tell that more than 5800 applications are submitted annually for 98 MD positions: in other words, it is very competitive. It should note that for these 98 positions, only 650 interviews are held out of 5800 applications.
In the admission statistics, we find the following average data:
- MCAT: 77-100 percentile.
- Accepted GPA: 3.1-4.0
These are some of the main options for studying medicine in Tennessee. As we can see, they are varied, very involved in developing local health programs, and with a strong component of the practical application of the students’ teachings.
Moreover, some of them are among the oldest and longest-established medical schools in The United States.