Regardless of the cleaning business a company is commercially bound to, it must keep in mind that the object of this work requires professionals to be in contact with the client’s property. This circumstance reveals the importance of insurance coverage for an interior or professional cleaning business.
For example, let’s think about professional business cleaning. In this case, it is necessary to take extreme care with the equipment, facilities, or simply the security of the premises. We can extend all this to home cleaning, where there are delicate products and valuable objects in terms of economic or sentimental value.
For all these reasons, cleaning business insurance is important for any company dedicated to this sector, regardless of size.
What is insurance for cleaning businesses all about?
As its name suggests, it is an insurance policy for companies engaged in cleaning tasks. It is a broad insurance model with very different coverages but generally intended for the same purpose: to provide coverage for the professional performance of the company or the contracting party.
There are many insurance models for cleaning companies. It is going to depend on factors such as:
- Type of company
- Type of tasks
- Coverage chosen
Therefore, we will first try to analyze the basic aspects we will protect with this type of insurance.
We could define cleaning insurance as general liability coverage. That is to say, it will be able to cover different fields of protection, from damages to third parties to possible claims for professional performance.
Although we can include it within the commercial liability insurance group, it has some characteristics that differentiate it from other similar insurances.

What does a cleaning company insurance policy cover?
As we have indicated above, there is no single coverage or insurance model. That has to do with the different needs generated in a cleaning company.
We can give some examples to understand this better:
- You can offer coverage for property damage: for instance, if, while cleaning, a particular object is damaged. The damage caused to that object, or its replacement, is covered by the insurance.
- You can cover damage to third parties: if the cleaning work affects a person. For example, if a fall in a recently cleaned area injures a third party. This injury and its medical expenses could be covered by insurance.
It is possible to cover claims: for example, if a company considers that the cleaning was carried out in a harmful manner or caused a certain damage, it can file a legal claim. The insurance will cover the cleaning company’s legal expenses and, in some cases, may even pay any damages awarded.
Many more elements can make up a cleaning company’s insurance. To mention some of them quickly:
- Coverage in case of lack of work: to have income in case of not being able to work for reasons beyond the user’s control, for example, an accident at work.
- Accident insurance: This can cover the medical expenses of the company’s employees in the event of an accident.
- Material protection: coverage in case of theft or deterioration of the company’s materials and machinery.
In addition to all this, it is possible to add other coverages, such as the vehicles used for employees’ transportation or materials or workers’ compensation insurance.
Who needs insurance for the cleaning business?
Although it may seem that this insurance is exclusive to large companies, the truth is that this is not the case.
It is an insurance model that should be used by any company or professional in this sector. The important thing is to determine the coverage needed. That is to say, it is optional to select the policies with the highest volume of coverage for a self-employed person engaged in the cleaning business. However, it should cover some aspects.
For example, an individual cleaning worker, who is self-employed, should at least cover third-party damage and possible claims coverage. However, a company with many workers may need to expand the scope to include even more advanced elements, such as those incorporating vehicle insurance.
Do all insurers offer insurance for cleaning companies?
Commercial liability insurance is available from all insurers, with the vast majority. However, insurance specifically for cleaning companies is less common.
It is true that, in most cases, it will be possible to set up commercial liability insurance. But, despite this, what is interesting for a company or an independent worker in the cleaning sector is to make a good market comparison since there are insurance companies specialized in this sector.
Once the type of insurance and the necessary coverages are clear, comparing the specialized offers is simply a matter of contrasting them. Insurance comparisons are always important as they allow us to assess each insurance proposal’s price/quality ratio and choose the most appropriate one.