A dental hygiene school is a school that offers courses and programs in dental hygiene. These can either be a two year or a four-year program in dental hygiene, and at the end of this program, you receive your degree. Enrolling in a dental hygiene school would allow you to receive a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree. The degree you receive will depend on which college or university you attended.
The accredited dental hygiene schools let the graduates sit for the same state or national boards to allow students to become licensed in their respective states.
The community colleges offer two-year programs, and graduates receive an associate’s degree, allowing them to take licensure examinations and become licensed and work in dental offices. The dental schools at university may offer either a baccalaureate degree or a master’s degree.
The dental hygiene school educates the preventive oral health professional and make them eligible for licensure as a dental hygienist. The dental hygiene school offers extraordinary academic opportunities and clinical experiences to students interested in preventive oral health education.
How Much Dental Hygiene School Cost?
The program costs for dental hygiene schools depend on the type and level of program you want to pursue. As per the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, the average approximate total cost of tuition and fees for various programs are as follows:
- Associate Degree- $22,692
- Baccalaureate Degree- $36,382
- Master’s degree- $ 30421
The fees mentioned here represent an average, and the fees may vary from college to college. Moreover, program costs at community colleges may be lesser than programs offered by university-based schools or four-year institutions.
Besides the tuition and fees, the students interested in pursuing a dental hygiene program will have to bear other costs such as books and supplies, dental hygiene instrument rentals and purchases, room and boarding, transportation, personal expenses and medical insurance.
How Hard Is Dental Hygiene School?
Although dental hygiene is an excellent and fulfilling career choice, becoming a dental hygienist is not easy. It requires you to go through rigorous training programs in dental hygiene. The dental hygiene courses consist of meticulous classes meant to expose future dental hygienists to all the necessary knowledge to be successful.
The course will require determination and focus from every student. The dental hygiene courses need you to take classes in subjects like biology, chemistry and some other science-based programs. Overall dental hygiene courses are hard and challenging but not impossible. With focus and determination, you can easily make through it.
How To Get Through Dental Hygiene School?
Dental hygienists often ponder how to prepare for dental hygiene school? Completing a dental hygiene school is one of the most challenging accomplishments to achieve for many aspirants.
Three strategies can help you get through dental hygiene school and successfully finish it. These three strategies are preparation, perseverance and participation. Let us look at them:
- Preparation: The most important strategy for survival is to be prepared. First, get all your documents ready and know the eligibility requirements of the college of your choice. In case you have to apply for scholarships or grants, then make sure you apply on time. The final semester of dental hygiene school is expensive as it includes prep course costs, application fees, licensures and board exams. Prepare yourself mentally for all this.
- Perseverance: Continued efforts will help you survive the rigorous dental hygiene course. The aspiring students must be motivated, determined to get through dental school. During your dental school, you would be required to go through research, papers, typing, projects, reading and studying. This would need mental perseverance. Be prepared for the hard work.
- Participation: Participation in the classroom and volunteering in the community will provide you with great opportunities to learn and network with dental hygienists. Participation will enable you to get through dental hygiene school.
How Long Is Dental Hygienist School?
The answer to this frequently asked question How long is dental hygienist school in Texas is pretty simple. To become a qualified dental hygienist, you are required to complete either an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s or master’s degree. The duration of these programs differ.
An associate degree in dental hygiene can be obtained in two to three years, whereas earning a bachelor’s degree will require four years. At the same time, completing a master’s degree may take you between one to two years.
Completing the dental college will require you to complete hands-on training through classroom instructions as well as participation in a clinical setting.
Although both the associate and bachelor’s programs prepare you to start your career in the field of dental hygiene, but the bachelor’s degree will prepare you to work as a dental hygienist as well as for more advanced positions like research, management or teaching.