Sigma Alpha Epsilon offers young potential new members many important advantages in college and life beyond and helps you reach your true potential.
To become a potential new member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, you must participate in the recruitment process.
The process of joining the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity is as follows:
In order to become a member, you need to submit the Student Recruitment Application form. This form is to be filled by prospective students who want to join Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
The information asked for in this form pertains to personal information like name, permanent address, primary phone number, email id, name of parents or guardians.
The academic information like academic status, current school, current GPA, academic honors and achievements. You are required to tell about accomplishments you are proud of and why and about extracurricular activities.
Information you are required to submit
like where did you come to know about Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Do you have any family member/relatives who are /were a member of SAE.
Do you know any member of the SAE chapter, and are you interested in visiting the SAE chapter house? In the recruitment form, you must also tell what interests you in joining the fraternity and what you hope to gain from the fraternity.
You can also ask questions or comments you would like to share with the recruitment team. Submitting this form lets you express your interest in joining Sigma Alpha Epsilon and have your name on their contact list.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Recruitment Chairman leads the entire process of recruitment. The recruitment chair will get to know you through the in-home meetings, either over lunch or dinner or while touring the Sigma Alpha Epsilon House.
The Recruitment Chairman of Sigma Alpha Epsilon takes out time to meet your parents and answers all questions new potential members or their parents have. Moreover, you can meet current members, alumni and other potential new members during the events hosted by Sigma Alpha Epsilon and decide if the fraternity is the right fit for you.