Competition for jobs within the dance sector is fierce and the need for higher-level accredited dance teaching qualifications is more critical than ever. With an accredited qualification in dance, whether you’re a young student just starting out or a professional dancer looking for a career change, you can open your horizons to a much wider range of opportunities across the private and public sectors.
Aspiring dance teachers should look for qualifications that are up-to-date, relevant to the latest developments within the sector, recognised nationally and internationally and fully prepare student teachers for their future career. The more comprehensive and flexible these qualifications are, the better prepared you will be for the next stage of your life in dance.
From health and safety and the contextual study of dance to planning, evaluating and leading your own dance classes, an accredited teaching qualification not only makes you much more employable, but fully prepares you for the day when you might open your own dance school.
With this in mind, last year the ISTD launched its revised accredited teaching qualifications, the Level 3 Diploma in Dance Instruction (DDI) and the Level 4 Diploma in Dance Education (DDE), to better meet the needs of future dance teachers. The DDI is aimed at anyone 17 years or older who wishes to begin training as a dance teacher and the DDE offers students 18 years or older, who have already achieved their Level 3, the opportunity to complete their training and become a fully-qualified and accredited ISTD dance teacher. This is all achievable within a three-year programmeof study at a range of ‘Approved Dance Centres’throughout the EU.
Both the DDI and DDE are accredited by regulatory bodies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Ofqual, DCELLS and CCEA) and are on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), awarding 68 and 92 QCF credits accordingly. This means that, as well as standing alone as respected dance teaching qualifications, which give you the opportunity to teach across a wide variety of dance genres, they can contribute towards other higher-level qualifications.
The right teacher training will give you the necessary skills, discipline and qualifications to take you wherever you want to be in the dance world.
Please visit, or email, for more information about these or any other ISTD teaching qualifications. If you are a more experienced dance teacher or a professional dancer who is looking to train as a dance teacher, please contact to find out more about the ISTD’s proposed higher-level teaching qualification portfolio.
Written by Sarah O’Hanlon
Head of Marketing & Membership Support Services @ ISTD