Knowing how to swipe a credit card correctly will save you a lot of hassle. Nowadays, people have adapted to a cashless economy, increasing the use of cards. In the process of paying for services or any purchase, swiping the card is of vital importance to achieving the objective.
You can perform any financial transaction with a credit card without exchanging cash. There are many ways to use the card in physical stores and supermarkets and pay for all purchased services. But not everyone knows how to do it because they think all machines work the same way.
With the advanced technology and variety of credit cards, it is necessary to understand the difference in making payments. You may think that swiping a credit card is simple; however, some factors come into play. You are starting with the type of card you have.
Swipe your credit card smoothly
To understand how to swipe a credit card correctly, you must first know what it means. A card is swiping it through an electronic reader that records the information in the card’s magnetic stripe. The reader machines are the ones in charge of doing the job.
Swiping a credit card is very simple. This process can also be done with a debit card. Here are the steps to follow to accomplish the card swipe and avoid damaging the card effectively.
- Make sure the machine is turned on
- The card must be straight; confirm that it is so.
- Make sure that the magnetic stripe is facing the thick side of the reader machine
- Hold the card and slide it down into the swipe machine.
- Immediately, the reader will take the card number and the information stored on the magnetic stripe.
To complete the transaction, use the card reader compatible with your issuing bank’s network. If you have a chip card, you must insert it into the terminal, wait a few seconds until you hear a beep or feel the vibration and then remove it.
The credit card swipe is accomplished with stripe cards so you can swipe them according to the instructions. Also, swiping a credit card does not require a PIN to complete the process.
There are several ways to swipe a credit card. The most traditional one is using the slot on the device; it can be on the front or back and swipe until it clicks. Another way is to insert the card with the gold contacts facing down in the top hole.
What to keep in mind when swiping your credit card
Since there are different ways to swipe a credit card, you should be aware of several situations before lifting in case the process is unsuccessful. First, swiping the card does not represent illegal activity unless the cardholder authorizes it. Otherwise, you will be penalized.
When the card is swiped through the machine, merchants pay 2% of the purchase amount, although it can be as high as 4% on premium rewards cards. This is known as a rental fee to the card network or bank. It is a hidden charge, also called a swipe fee.
Some merchants have opted not to swipe the card, especially those with a chip, but the method is still used. Therefore, knowing how to swipe a credit card correctly is necessary in case of any eventuality. Keep in mind that you can also swipe chip cards.
If you cannot swipe the card, ensure that the reader is working or that the issuer has not blocked the card. Check the card and verify that nothing is attached to the magnetic stripe. Ensure the card has not expired, as this can be a problem.
The card must always be in good condition. It mustn’t be bent or stained because there is a possibility that the reader may not be able to extract the information. You can always contact the issuing company to rule out any fault or to request a change due to damage or expiration.
Use your credit card correctly
Beyond being attentive to the process of swiping your credit card, it is necessary to use it correctly to avoid problems in the future. There are tips you can follow to keep an impeccable history, besides taking care of the card physically since there are surcharges every time you change the plastic.
The recommendations about credit cards are mostly about taking care of your credit and paying your bills. But being attentive to the physical state of the card will help when swiping it correctly. In that sense, buy a card holder, so the card is well cared for.
The wallet’s card holder is also an option. If the wallet is full of papers or documents, constantly watch that the card does not suffer any folding. Remember that the magnetic stripe cannot have anything attached to it.
To swipe the credit card without inconvenience, it must be in perfect condition. If you keep it well cared for and it still does not go through the reading machine, do not hesitate to contact your issuer to solve the problem.