Nursing is recognized as one of the professions that play a vital role in healthcare. It is a profession that advances with training to a career as a nurse anesthetist. In that sense, the best CRNA schools have master’s and post-master’s degree programs for certification.
Anesthesiologists are physicians, but the truth is that it is a nurse anesthetist’s job. There are rural areas where medical services are scarce, so nurse anesthetists are valued more.
A registered nurse has more opportunities for career advancement. Obtain an MSN or DNP to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). Beyond continuing in academics and professionally, it is about achieving a respected and highly paid certification.
Learn about the best CRNA schools
A nurse anesthetist is an important part of healthcare. It’s not hard to find a CRNA school, especially for well-trained nurses. It starts with online BSN to DNAP programs that meet certification needs.
Those starting with an MSN can take year-long nurse anesthetist programs. This is a career with great responsibility but pays well. Plus, it is one of the most in-demand specialties in the healthcare field. Here are the best CRNA schools.
1. Northeastern University
Northeastern University offers the Nurse Anesthesia DNP program, which recognizes the work of these professionals within a medical institute. It is based on practice-based learning and interdisciplinary collaboration.
This institution is one of the most respected in the world, while the Faculty of Nursing at the Bouvé College of Health Sciences is recognized as one of the most influential in its specialty.
Northeastern University is also recognized for graduating great leaders in its field, including medicine. Students feel confident and prepared as they pass classes and progress to a specialty based on in-depth educational experiences.
2. Bryan School of Health Science
It aims to provide the full clinical experience for its students to succeed, plus the opportunity to train at the highest level with high technology in a hospital setting. The Bryan School of Health Sciences directs its program to experienced registered nurses.
Students can collaborate with experienced faculty to explore all anesthesia techniques, completing rotations in the community hospitals included in the Doctor of Nursing Anesthesia Practice program.
3. La Roche College
It is located on Pittsburgh’s North Side and is a leader in clinical education. It offers a master’s degree program divided into two parts, not before starting clinical training with simulations and then moving on to real patients.
La Rocha College’s nurse anesthesia program builds on the introductory science courses completed at La Rocha College, the didactic lectures, and the internships at the Alleghany School of Anesthesia.
This institution is known for the high performance of its graduates above the national minimum requirement in cases determined by the COA. Through this program, you will have the opportunity to support the health care experts who lead the courses. You can gain clinical experience in 11 different locations.
4. University of Pennsylvania
One advantage of the University of Pennsylvania is that its students take most classes in a state-of-the-art simulation center. You will be prepared for almost all specialties, thanks to the DNP-NA program.
From the very beginning, students test with simple tools required in the healthcare field. The university combines innovation with academic excellence. In medicine, nurses learn at the forefront of the latest technologies and practices.
5. University of Michigan Flint
The BSN to DNAP programs offered by this university have straightforward and clear classes for CRNA career professionals. Thanks to the curriculum determined in conjunction with an advisor before classes start, which helps pass accreditation requirements.
That program places the University of Michigan Flint with a 100% job placement record. That means you will have the opportunity to open many doors as you advance in your studies to a career as a nurse anesthetist.
The perfection of skills and quality of knowledge is one of the greatest foundations of the institution. You will gain educational experience here so that the demanding study effort will be worth it.
6. Detroit Mercy University
The school stands out for its commitment to continuous internships and small classes. What stands out most is the personalized attention from members of Detroit Mercy University, who teach while practicing nurse anesthesia.
The facility is among the best CRNA schools for the experience students gain in about 20 clinical sites in various settings and settings to complete some of their courses in an online format.
According to statistics, all graduates in the master’s program in nurse anesthetist obtain a place within a medical facility six months after graduation.
7. University of Minnesota Twin Cities
If you’re looking for an accelerated and more demanding program, you can find it at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Ranked as one of the best CRNA schools in the country, students get a wide range of experience in practice and academics.
The program includes the discovery of the highest skills in general and regional anesthesia as applied in various hospital settings. Students achieve their goals in their studies to become CRNA career leaders.
Thanks to small classes, students receive personalized attention. They are also motivated to develop their intelligence and focus their determination to become great professionals.
8. University of Southern California
All CRNA degree programs at the University of Southern California have been accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Education Programs. For the DNAP, you require a bachelor’s degree and a Nurse Anesthetist license.
It has the distinction of being the oldest research university in California. Its programs come from the Keck School of Medicine. Students also specialize in traumatology, cardiothoracic, obstetrics, and orthopedics, among others.